Planning & Zoning

Eric Booth
Planning Director & Building Official
104 East Capitol Ave.
Pierre, SD 57501
Phone (605) 773-4441
Cell (605) 222-7841
Fax (605) 773-7347
The Planning and Zoning Department is responsible for managing the physical growth of the unincorporated area of the County. The Hughes County Comprehensive Plan is the official document used to guide decisions on land use matters. The Comprehensive Plan is designed to anticipate and deal constructively with changes occurring within the County.
Components of the Plan include population trends and forecasts, land use analysis, transportation, public facilities, and natural and environmental resources. The Comprehensive Plan is a "blueprint" for the future development of the County. Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances are specific regulations intended to carry out the Plan.
The Board of County Commissioners adopts land use plans and ordinances after recommendations are received from the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission consists of one County Commissioner and six citizen members appointed by the Board to three year terms. The Planning Commission meets once a month to consider land use matters such as Plat and Subdivision proposals and rezoning requests. The Board of Adjustment consists of seven citizen members appointed by the Board to three year terms. The Board of Adjustment meets as required to consider Conditional Use Permit and Variance requests. The Planning and Zoning Department staff provides research and technical support to the Commission and Boards to assist in the decision making process.
Daily responsibilities of the department include enforcement and administration of the Zoning, Subdivision, Public Nuisance, Rural Addressing, Flood Damage Prevention, and Building Code Ordinances, issuance of building permits, and inspection of new construction to ensure compliance with building and septic system codes. The department maintains current versions of various Ordinances online.
Wind Farm Conditional Use Permit Application - 2021
Planning and Zoning Ordinances
Planning and Zoning Commission Meetings